Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/21/10 Adobe After Affects

went over the tutorial and got most of in notes, thinkin about doin lightsaber stuff for the next one....

1/22/10 Adobe After Affects

Time Freeze Steps

  1. Tripod and high shutter speed are needed
  2. Freezing object is always the foreground
  3. Do not cross the planes
  4. Overlay the shots and lower the oppacity to 50%
  5. Find the right point to freeze where they dont overlay
  6. Right click the frozen object timeline, time-> Enable Time Overlay
  7. Set a keyframe for that point in time
  8. Put another keyframe at the end of the edit
  9. One frame after the time freeze frame, place another keyframe
  10. Highlight the second and last keyframe down to create a time freeze
  11. Dont have the 2nd object come in till the 1st object is 100% frozen, same for resuming real time
  12. Trim up the comp
  13. Press U, duplicate layer, name it "Foreground", and make it the top layer
  14. Turn off adaptive resolution
  15. Use pen tool(~) and make a mask around the freezing object
  16. Hit M, M-brings up layer options
  17. Make the top layer start when the time freeze starts
  18. Create a garbage mask around the moving object(keep the mask close)
  19. Keyframe the important parts so the mask travels with the non-frozen object
  20. Sometimes the moving object's mask will make the frozen object blur when it gets close, and you may have to fix the mask so it doesnt
  21. Feel free to touch up the objects how you want

And you have frozen time :)

These are some website that i got the information from: