What is HTML and what is it used for?
HTML- Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to mark up a document and add additional information to a file on the Internet
Give 5 examples of html tags, how are they formatted?
<*html>, <*body>, <*center>, <*b>, <*i> (The * should not be included). They are formatted with < > around them. The closed format has a "/" after the "<".
Give and example of how tags are opened and closed.
To bold a phrase or word, you start with , closing it requires putting a at the end of the phrase or word.
Describe parent and child elements.
The parent element holds all of the other elements(Child elements). If you are writing html, the parent element would be and to close . Child elements would be all the remaining scripting, such as <*title>, <*p>, <*head>